One Fine Sunday… Taman Suropati, Menteng

Another early morning and Putra left for filming in Kelapa Gading at 5.00am so I was wide awake and wondering what to do for entertainment with Samudra on a Sunday.  I wasn’t feeling energised enough to make the long walk for Car Free Day but decided we would head to Taman Suropati so Samudra could […] Read more »

Ohhhhhh yum….

Anyone who has been following this blog would know that I have spent many mornings out walking in the complex at supid-o’clock with little Samudra… which I have actually LOVED, and then just recently, I looked a little more closely while we were doing our rounds near the park to discover this cake seller! He […] Read more »

JFFF 2014 at Kelapa Gading

Well hello! It’s been over a month now since my 100 Days of Happiness ended and we have been caught up in a whirlwind of play dates, events, work, adventures and giving my back a break from carrying the camera plus Samudra everywhere I go, every single day. I have really missed keeping a record […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 100

Well today marks the end of the 100 Days of Happiness challenge and although I am posting this way after the fact, I can say I feel a little lost not having to write at the end of each day so I can remember what has been happening. Today I went to Plaza Semanggi with […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 99

This morning we missed out on our morning walk as it was a little late before I managed to get up and find motivation and the sun was already far too warm.  If I miss the early morning window to walk then I end up covered in sweat and uncomfortable within a minute of walking […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 98

We were up way too early again as usual and headed off for our beautiful morning walk around the neighbourhood, stopping to chat to the ibu ibu and babies as always, but Samudra seemed quiet and tired so we didn’t walk for too long today. Although it was he that was poking me in the […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 97

This morning I couldn’t decide whether I had the energy or not to go for a walk too far, so thought it best I just do a quick block around the house and so didn’t take the camera with me.  How silly of me.. of course once Samudra and I went out the front gate we […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 96

Ohmygoodness.. another night of sleeping with a snorer and crying baby meant absolutely no sleep for me so I spent the whole night playing on my iPhone in despair until 4.30am when I remembered that today was Sunday… and that means Car Free Day.  At 5.00am I got up to shower and asked Putra to […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 95

My 100 Days of Happiness have already come to an end and it’s been so long since I last updated, so I need to try and remember what happened in the last few days… I was so close to the end and then got completely sidetracked! Today I had a lovely morning watching Samudra and […] Read more »