100 Days of Happiness – Day 95

My 100 Days of Happiness have already come to an end and it’s been so long since I last updated, so I need to try and remember what happened in the last few days… I was so close to the end and then got completely sidetracked! Today I had a lovely morning watching Samudra and […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 12

What a great, santai (relaxing) day it has been! Samudra has just fallen asleep after keeping us amused tonight with his constant laughter and squealing.. I think he has just discovered his voice and is seeing what noises he can make.. it’s been so entertaining for us and it’s making me realise just how quickly […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 1

Last night there was some seriously heavy rain falling non-stop for hours on end and yet again Jakarta was left underwater and flooding in many parts of the city… so I was wondering what I would do to entertain myself and Samudra as we were going to be indoors for most of the day avoiding […] Read more »