One Fine Sunday… Taman Suropati, Menteng

Another early morning and Putra left for filming in Kelapa Gading at 5.00am so I was wide awake and wondering what to do for entertainment with Samudra on a Sunday.  I wasn’t feeling energised enough to make the long walk for Car Free Day but decided we would head to Taman Suropati so Samudra could […] Read more »

Taman Suropati Chamber during Ramadhan

During the month of Ramadhan, Taman Suropati Chamber have rescheduled their usual morning classes to 3-5pm each Sunday afternoon. We headed down recently, taking with us one of Treen’s dear friends and fellow teachers, Talisa, to enjoy the ambience in the park. I am incredibly envious of anyone with any musical talent and to see […] Read more »

A Heart of Gold – Ages Biola and Taman Suropati Chamber

  If you live in Jakarta, it is easy to get distracted by the mess of the city; the mind-bending traffic, the corruption, the pollution, the mind-blowing poverty; it feels like a city that is about to self-combust while you can only sit and gape and wonder, who is doing anything about this mess?  Does […] Read more »