Ohhhhhh yum….

Anyone who has been following this blog would know that I have spent many mornings out walking in the complex at supid-o’clock with little Samudra… which I have actually LOVED, and then just recently, I looked a little more closely while we were doing our rounds near the park to discover this cake seller! He is outside the school by the park super early every morning to tempt the kids with his tasty treats before they start school.. and so I decided to give them a try and bought only one just to test them.. Low and behold, the warm and spongy freshly cooked cakes, topped with chocolate sprinkles had me hooked at first bite! I found myself WANTING to get up at a ridiculous hour for days, packing Samudra into his sling and practically running back to the cake seller… a whole packet of 6 cakes cost Rp. 10,000, so about AUD$1, what a bargain!

I soon realised my new found addiction was ridiculous and I had to temporarily stop walking just so I wouldn’t be tempted… and be torturing poor Samudra with the smell of freshly baked cakes he couldn’t eat as we made our way home again.

Do yourself a favour and try them though if you see them around… enak kue!


Enak kue!!!! ooooh how can I resist??

2 Responses to “Ohhhhhh yum….”

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  1. andri says:

    It called kue pukis, while in other part of Indo…puki mean vagina ;p

    • welovejakarta says:

      oooops! I will try not to confuse the word… perhaps I won’t even try to remember it, just incase I use it in the wrong context in the wrong part of Indo! Thanks so much Andri 🙂