100 Days of Happiness – Day 96

Ohmygoodness.. another night of sleeping with a snorer and crying baby meant absolutely no sleep for me so I spent the whole night playing on my iPhone in despair until 4.30am when I remembered that today was Sunday… and that means Car Free Day.  At 5.00am I got up to shower and asked Putra to […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 75

I had arranged with Treen to go to Car Free Day this morning, and for once Samudra decided not to wake up early, so by the time Treen arrived in the taxi with Claire, I had to wake Samudra and take him with us in his pajamas.  The street was heaving with people jogging, walking, […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 68

I was woken this morning at 5.30am by Samudra’s cries so tapped Putra’s arm to ask if he was up for a Car Free Day walk and was shocked to hear him say yes so early in the morning! We didn’t manage to actually leave the house until after 7am, but once we arrived outside […] Read more »

Car Free Day during Ramadhan

Very early every Sunday morning, until around 9am, from Patung Pemuda Statue on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman to Monas on Jalan Mohammad Husni Thamrin, the streets are closed to traffic for Car Free Day.  Usually the road is filled with people walking, jogging, riding bikes and rollerblades, but we found during Ramadhan the roads are incredibly […] Read more »

It’s the weekend…what should I do?

It’s not always easy to find what to do in Jakarta.  There is a whole city heaving and waiting right at your fingertips, but sometimes you can be at a loss of what to do and with the heat and the traffic and pollution you may feel a little lazy and end up at the […] Read more »