JFFF 2014 at Kelapa Gading

Well hello!

It’s been over a month now since my 100 Days of Happiness ended and we have been caught up in a whirlwind of play dates, events, work, adventures and giving my back a break from carrying the camera plus Samudra everywhere I go, every single day.

I have really missed keeping a record of all that has been going on as I find it difficult to remember otherwise and keeping up with all the new milestones in little Samudra’s life. He is now aware of his hands, toes, and loves to pull himself up and stand while bouncing himself up and down in excitement. We have met some more lovely children and mum’s here in Jakarta which has been great and been to some more 1st birthday parties which has been super cute.

So now I have found myself neglecting this blog and thought maybe I should go through my memory cards and see what I actually have been doing when I have managed to drag the camera out again.

Firstly I have found pictures from Jakarta Food & Fashion Festival (JFFF) which is an annual event held out in Kelapa Gading which is quite far from where we live, so it makes it difficult to find motivation to fight the traffic to get there. This event celebrates with fashion shows every day from top Indonesian designers and newcomers, as well as as a super packed area for Indonesian food lovers. We know how much Indonesians LOVE their food by now, so even at 10.00pm the area was buzzing with people even on a Sunday night, tasting dishes from throughout the country while listening to music being played up on stage. At the beginning of this event there is a night carnival which I have only been to once, a few years ago, and it was amazing, with a parade of incredible and colourful costumes, music and dancers, ending with a loud and colourful fireworks display. Unfortunately I missed it this year, and only managed to make it along to one show, in support of my dear friend, and Indonesia’s youngest fashion designer, Rafi Ridwan. As I had Samudra with me I wasn’t able to sit in the photographers pit as usual, but had to sit in the seats closest to the exit door incase my little baby lost it and started crying during the show. When we entered the auditorim he was squealing so loudly that I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to bring him, but once the show started, he sat quietly in awe of the lights, music and models on the catwalk. Rafi presented 40 garments during the show, all in red hues and the designs looked gorgeous. I am just guttered that I didn’t get any good pictures because of my seating.

The show was followed with us meeting up with kakek and nenek to indulge in some local delicacies at the food festival, along with thousands of other like minded people.

So I will endeavour to update this blog a little more frequently in the future, even if only for my own memories sake.

I hope you are all healthy and happy wherever you are in the world.


Look what I found out in the garden! A big friendly lizard..


Catching up with my good friend and superstar Fashion Photographer Eddy Bogel at JFFF


Samudra enjoying his first experience at a fashion show with Putra.


One of Rafi’s designs, ooooooh I wish I had taken proper photos at this show!


10pm and the Food Festival is still packed on a Sunday night!


Enjoying some local music at the festival. See you there next year!