100 Days of Happiness – Day 100

Well today marks the end of the 100 Days of Happiness challenge and although I am posting this way after the fact, I can say I feel a little lost not having to write at the end of each day so I can remember what has been happening.

Today I went to Plaza Semanggi with Putra and Samudra and FINALLY we got the chance to eat at Loving Hut again. I have been wanting to go there since I was first pregnant with Samudra and somehow the idea of the traffic to get there has always been a deterrent, but today we had a purpose as Putra had to shoot some footage from the Sky Dining area. When Loving Hut was open in Kemang, it seemed that Treen and I were the only customers that ever ventured into the shop and I ended up getting it delivered to my room almost daily in the end although it was only a 5 minute walk away (how Indonesian of me!). As a vegan/vegetarian restaurant it didn’t stay open long in our area but I was surprised to turn up the restaurant today and see that it was pretty much full. Now if only it was closer to home.

With full bellies we headed up to the Sky Dining area so Putra could film and then the lightning came! Big bolts up in the sky being reflected in the tall glass windows of the buildings around us. It was ridiculously humid up there and just as we left to go inside the rain started so it was perfect timing.

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing at home, watching dvd’s and relaxing and so this concludes the 100 Days of Happiness. I don’t think the purpose of this challenge was to be and stay completely happy for 100 days straight as that is undeniably impossible, but to be able to find moments of happiness in each day and find something to be grateful for, that is definitely achievable. In these past 100 days there have been tears, homesickness, laughter, love, giggles, adventures, frustration, watching Samudra learn to sit and then be able to stand holding onto things, watching 6 tiny new teeth appear, meeting new friends, too many kids and babies to recall, loads of walking, plenty of food, movies, music, trips to Singapore and Jogja, and all the rest. For me, I am just happy to have a record of the past 100 magical days with Samudra.

So thank you for joining me on my mini adventures and for baring with me as I overload on photos of my little miracle, but it really is an amazing journey to be on.

Now to find a new project to start posting about…

I hope you also had 100 happy days along with us wherever in the world you are.

Day 100_IMG_3320

Day 100: We made it bubba! Happiness.

3 Responses to “100 Days of Happiness – Day 100”

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  1. imam budi says:

    I am enjoying reading all of your stories.
    Please keep your lovely family together.
    I always hate the feeling everytime I finish reading story/ies that I enjoy so much.
    Thanks for sharing your life story

    • welovejakarta says:

      Oh thank you so much for reading and for leaving your lovely message, you have made my day! I will continue to post more photos as soon as i have a chance to sort through them all.. and let me know if there is somewhere you think I should visit to take photos in future 🙂

  2. deasy says:

    So beautiful, Tash! It really tears me up.. I love watching your journey and the happiness that is shown in your eyes.. yours, Samudra’s and Putra’s eyes..
    Love you Lovely, always do! ♥