JFFF 2014 at Kelapa Gading

Well hello! It’s been over a month now since my 100 Days of Happiness ended and we have been caught up in a whirlwind of play dates, events, work, adventures and giving my back a break from carrying the camera plus Samudra everywhere I go, every single day. I have really missed keeping a record […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 24

Today I took Samudra with me to Indonesia Fashion Week with the plan to photograph many of the booths there as the isles have so much colour and some great pieces on display.  We didn’t get far with taking photos at all as we had so many people stopping us to say hello and wanting […] Read more »

Rafi goes to Festival Indonesia in Australia

Last Monday saw Rafi return to Jakarta after a successful and fun trip to Melbourne to appear in Festival Indonesia’s fashion shows.  He held six shows overall showcasing his childrenswear designs and womenswear collection that was made especially for his first International showing. I had the pleasure of photographing the garments before their trip and […] Read more »

Festival Indonesia in Australia

If you are in Melbourne this September, make sure you head down to Queensbridge Square for a taste of all things Indonesian..  There will be traditional food, cultural performances, fashion shows and much more!  Indonesia’s youngest designer, Rafi Ridwan, will also be participating in the Fashion Shows on the 22 and 23rd September, showcasing a […] Read more »

Buka Puasa with Orphans at the Ridwans

Each evening during Ramadhan, the Ridwan’s have been hosting ‘Buka Puasa’ (Breaking the Fast), with the orphans in their community, as has been the tradition for Shinta and her husband Mohammad for the past 11 years. Firstly they snack together before praying and then eating their meal for the evening.  I have met these children […] Read more »