JFFF 2014 at Kelapa Gading

Well hello! It’s been over a month now since my 100 Days of Happiness ended and we have been caught up in a whirlwind of play dates, events, work, adventures and giving my back a break from carrying the camera plus Samudra everywhere I go, every single day. I have really missed keeping a record […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 87

Once again I find myself writing with a backlog of days as I have been kept away from my computer by having fun so I am having trouble remembering what I actually did today but I definately remember what happened in the evening and it was pretty A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. It’s funny how the world works and […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 72

A month or so ago I was contacted via this blog by Peeta Planet, a Social Travel TV Show, hosted by two brothers  Mohamed Parham Al Al Awadhi and Peyman Parham Al Awadhi from UAE.  I was asked to give some suggestions of people they should interview, places to hang out, where to have good coffee, […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 60

Now this was my kind of morning! We got up early and headed down the road to the Monggo Chocolate Factory, how had I not heard it was so close before today?? Unfortunately the factory was closed today due to the long weekend, which was probably a good thing, but I still managed to buy […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 50

Today is the half way mark to 100 Days of Happiness! Well at least it was as I am writing this very late again as getting to my computer has proven to be all but impossible lately.. This day was spent in bed hugging my sick little boy all day and feeling a little crazy […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 34

YAH! Today Putra returned from Bali at last… we were up so early and ready to greet him but he was in and out the door so quickly that we barely got to say hello before he had to leave again.  We got a quick flash of his suntan and off he went for meetings […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 33

Samudra and I met up with my friend Alonda today at Ragusa Ice-cream and it was the perfect day for it as it was so hot and sticky outside.  I haven’t visited Ragusa for such a long time, but it’s still as popular as ever with long queues of people waiting for seats and the […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 8

Is someone messing with the clocks these days? I seem to be losing time and my to-do lists are getting longer by the minute and the days and nights disappear so quickly.  Samudra was up screaming last night and so when my alarm went off this morning it felt like I had closed my eyes […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 7

Ah, it’s 10.34pm, my beautiful baby boy is finally sleeping peacefully (for now..) and I have the chance to get back to my computer to upload snapshots from today. This morning I had an appointment in  Jalan Benda in Kemang, and seeing as I had a spare 25 minutes to wait once I arrived, I […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 3

OK! So things got a little hectic yesterday and by the time I got home last night and a chance to get to my computer it was already today, so thought I would wait until this morning to post yesterdays happiness. We headed in to Ratu Plaza for a quick new release dvd fix as […] Read more »