YAH! Today Putra returned from Bali at last… we were up so early and ready to greet him but he was in and out the door so quickly that we barely got to say hello before he had to leave again. We got a quick flash of his suntan and off he went for meetings and checking locations for filming tomorrow. Samudra and I made a quick trip into Kemang and stopped in at Antipodean Cafe near Hero Supermarket for a drink as it was incredibly humid outside.. Another new trick day for him, sticking his tongue out and fake coughing to catch attention of two beautiful girls sitting opposite us! I never knew babies started so young with the flirting!
In the late afternoon we went along with Putra to his old campus at University of Indonesia so he could check some locations for tomorrow. New location day for us – out west in Depok! Wow, it was so green out there and the University had a big forest we walked through to a lake where there were a few people fishing. It was so lovely to be out in nature, even if the path was a little muddy and slippery, in the late afternoon sun and it was surprisingly rubbish free too! We even managed to get some photos of the three of us along the walk which is a rarity, hence the overload of family photos today. The campus is huge and I’m not sure I would ever find my way around there alone and you would definately need your own transport to get around. There was also another huge lake which was really lovely and serene, with a few photographers and fisherman enjoying the last hours of light of the day, while other students jogged around, or sat nongkrong (hanging out) smoking on the side of the road.
To end a refreshing afternoon in nature, we headed back home and ended up at Raja Rasa on Jl. Ampera Raya for dinner. I have passed this place every day for over a year now and was never interested in entering for some reason and tonight I realised what I had been missing out on! It is so beautiful in there! It is a Sundanese and seafood restaurant, and a little more upmarket than most places we ever eat at, but as we are vegetarians, it was very reasonably priced and the food was delicious. Inside the entrance is the biggest table I have ever seen made from one section of a seriously huge tree trunk. Perfect for a group of Indonesians considering how much they love to eat and the table could be filled with loads of different dishes. Downstairs is another beautiful dining section, and then when you step outside, it is just so lovely with the fish ponds, trees, and separate dining rooms with glass walls, low tables and cushions on the floor to sit on. I highly recommend this place for somewhere different and a bit of a treat for yourselves, just for the setting itself.
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are too.

Day 34: Out in nature with my lovely family. Happiness.

Day 34: Out in the forest with Samudra. Happiness.

Day 34: Afternoon happiness.

Day 34: Family shot at Putra’s old campus. Happiness.

Day 34: A huge lake surrounded by trees at the University. Happiness.

Day 34: Welcome home bapak! Happiness.