100 Days of Happiness – Day 50

Today is the half way mark to 100 Days of Happiness! Well at least it was as I am writing this very late again as getting to my computer has proven to be all but impossible lately..

This day was spent in bed hugging my sick little boy all day and feeling a little crazy as I couldn’t leave his side without him crying.  I’m not sure if the fever has been caused by him teething but he is very lethargic and light on smiles the past two days which is very unusual for Samudra. Bless him.  At least he has two adorable little bottom teeth making their way through which may explain him feeling a little out of sorts.

Tonight I met with the lovely Gaby from Indonesian Expat Magazine at Face Bar to take a few photos and have a little taste test of what’s on offer there.  What a gorgeous hidden treasure in the back streets of Menteng near Bundaran HI! The venue was very dimly lit but had a great relaxed atmosphere and many oriental decorations which bring a sense of serenity to the place.  There are two restaurants here – Indian food downstairs and a Thai restaurant upstairs, and from the samples we ate I definately want to go back there for a main meal!  I also met some really fun ladies there having a networking event and they offered my some sparkling wine and to join them, but I had to refuse and instead tasted cocktail samples with Gaby while chatting to the Face Bar General Manager, Ramon.

It was a great night and just what I needed before heading home with a dodgy taxi who took me the longest way ever possible home then trying to tell me we were somewhere we were not.. I then arrived home to Putra standing outside waiting for me with Samudra screaming at the top of his lungs until I held him in my arms once again. It’s nice to be missed and always the best feeling to hold my baby again after a moment to myself.

I hope you had a beautiful day wherever you are in the world too.

Day 50: Gaby and Ramon at Face Bar. Happiness.

Day 50: Ladies champagne networking event at Face Bar. Happiness.