Hellofest Anima Expo

It’s so difficult to find time for our little family to hang out these days as Putra is so busy with work 7 days a week, so it was a treat that we could spend yesterday together at Hellofest Anima Expo in Senayan. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but as soon as we entered […] Read more »

Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 – Day 2 : Grazia Glitz & Glam

This was the show I was most looking forward to today and it was full of  high energy fun and collaborations between different Indonesian designers.  Iwet Ramadhan came jumping and dancing down the catwalk at the end of his collection and I thought he was about to burst with happiness! Daniel Mananta and Nowela’s showcase was […] Read more »

Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 – Day 2

Day 2 of JFW and Putra packed up Samudra and some bathers and headed to PIM for lunch and a swim with Samudra and all the family, and I packed my camera and caught a taxi back to Senayan City for more shows in the afternoon. Again, I will only show a few photos to […] Read more »

Angkat Raketmu at Citos

Last Friday we spent a full and fun day at Citos for the Coca Cola Angkat Raketmu (Raise Your Racket) event. Over the past year Coca Cola has refurbished 16 badminton courts in 7 cities across Java in the hope of getting people to raise their rackets and get back into playing badminton. In 2014/2015 […] Read more »

Popcon Asia 2014

Last Sunday was the final day of Popcon Asia 2014 (Popular Culture Convention) held at the SMESCO Convention Centre. I had been really looking forward to it after hearing about it from my friend Eric (thespacewanderer.com) as he had a booth set up for the event. As soon as the lift doors opened, we were […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 85

Bless. Samudra was awake from 3.00am this morning screaming crying and seemed to be distraught about something but I couldn’t work out what, so I held him in my arms, trying not to fall asleep, while he slept for a couple of minutes, woke and cried, slept again, etc and the cycle continued until the […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 81

Happy Easter Weekend to everyone! Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and still I haven’t seen a single chocolate egg for sale in Jakarta.. looks like the Easter Bunny will be missing our house, not that it matters as I have a chocolate fix everyday anyway. Today started with a lazy morning playing at home with Samudra, […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 36

It seems that I am falling further behind every day with updating the posts! I won’t give up though, you will just have to bare with me while I try and find a minute to myself to sit at my computer. I was up since 2.00am this morning as Samudra was crying and then I […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 7

Ah, it’s 10.34pm, my beautiful baby boy is finally sleeping peacefully (for now..) and I have the chance to get back to my computer to upload snapshots from today. This morning I had an appointment in  Jalan Benda in Kemang, and seeing as I had a spare 25 minutes to wait once I arrived, I […] Read more »