Hellofest Anima Expo

It’s so difficult to find time for our little family to hang out these days as Putra is so busy with work 7 days a week, so it was a treat that we could spend yesterday together at Hellofest Anima Expo in Senayan.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but as soon as we entered through the gates, I imagined this is what it must be like in Harajuku, Japan, with all the quirky characters posing for photos in crazy costumes. The place was swarming with cosplayers, cameras and lots of colour.. and boy was it steaming hot! Jakarta is always super sweltering before rain in this wet season. There were booths set up in tents selling costumes, comics, toys and novelty goods but it was far too hot to stop and browse while trying to push through the crowds. Who knew this scene was so huge in Jakarta? There was also another huge anime festival on this weekend so I imagine that would have been crowded also.

We watched people drawing cartoons and their favourite anime characters and posed for lots of photos with the young crowd, before the heat became unbearable and it was time to move on.

Fun days and so loved to hang out with my favourite two boys for family time.

Hope you had a fun Saturday too.

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Welcome to Hellofest!

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Amazing costumes everwhere

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Piercing eyes!

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Amazing eye contacts

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Eeeeeek.. Samudra did not like this costume at all..

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Cute and quirky characters

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Love the costume and the posing

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

I wish I knew who all these characters are

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

One brown and one blue eye..

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Why hello Robert..

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Cartoon time

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Samudra loves his new shoes from bapak

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Beware of zombies!

2 Responses to “Hellofest Anima Expo”

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  1. Anggara says:

    Whoaa, i missed this event 🙁

    • welovejakarta says:

      Mark it in your diary for this year! I am sure you will find many similar events for 2015 which is super exciting 🙂