Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 – Day 2 : Grazia Glitz & Glam

This was the show I was most looking forward to today and it was full of  high energy fun and collaborations between different Indonesian designers.  Iwet Ramadhan came jumping and dancing down the catwalk at the end of his collection and I thought he was about to burst with happiness! Daniel Mananta and Nowela’s showcase was […] Read more »

Jakarta Fashion Week 2013_Day 2_Grazia Glitz & Glam

Oh what a shame! On the second day of Jakarta Fashion Week 2013, due to storms and heavy rain, the Fashion Tent was put out of action due to flooding and suffered structural damage… this meant that many shows had to be cancelled and postponed, but the Grazia Glitz & Glam show was moved into […] Read more »