100 Days of Happiness – Day 65

I woke to more long fingernails scratching my face this morning so I gave up on sleep, put Samudra in the baby sling, picked up the camera and off we went for a morning walk with me still in my pj’s (how times have changed!).. The sun was just rising so the air was warm […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 25

Another post. Another day late. Ooooops!  Yesterday was going to be so productive and I had been waiting for this day so I could see Lenny Agustin on stage at Indonesia Fashion Week 2014.  Well, let’s see. I got woken early which by now is nothing new, it rained, I stayed cosy in bed, it […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 21

Where did today go?  Somehow the morning just disappeared after we cancelled our plans to film at Taman Mini today as the weather wasn’t looking great early on.  I was playing with Samudra and feeding him with Putra, answering emails and trying to organise a few things, and before I knew it it was already […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 19

What a day! I was again awake before the sun had risen and so decided to have a shower and prepare to go to Car Free Day in time to watch the sun rise and make the most of the day.  Putra and I had planned to do some filming there today but instead, I […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 2

Today started with more heavy rain and flooding but I managed to make it along briefly to the BWA Playgroup in Pejaten for a quick song circle with all the kids and Samudra half asleep.. I also managed to go for a long walk around the complex while the sun was out, with the aim […] Read more »

Winged Gas Bottles at Salihara..

I saw this cool installation at Salihara Festival last month – old gas bottles transformed into winged creatures…. I absolutely loved this, and also the stunning dance performance we watched (and unfortunately couldn’t photograph)… Check out Salihara in Pasar Minggu (salihara.org/ ) for future events, there’s always something unusual and wonderful happening there. Share on Facebook Read more »