What a day! I was again awake before the sun had risen and so decided to have a shower and prepare to go to Car Free Day in time to watch the sun rise and make the most of the day. Putra and I had planned to do some filming there today but instead, I showered, got dressed and got straight back into bed and stayed there until 9.00am! My stomach is still feeling dodgy so every effort to do anything other than play with Samudra got put on hold. I am really looking forward to a time when I can sleep for longer than 1 hour at a time so I can feel refreshed and have some energy back.. but the more I am woken, the more cuddles I get from Samudra, so it balances out, right?
I did go for a quick walk with Samudra and Daffa up to Jason’s supermarket and we returned drenched in sweat from the heat so lucky Daffa, he cooled off with a quick mandi (shower) under the hose in the street infront of the house. I remember days of being young and playing under the hose and sprinkler in the summer, on the grass in our backyard, and envied Daffa today as he squealed in delight as his Dad sprayed him with water.
It’s the simple things that make a moment happy!
I hope you had a happy and active day wherever you are in the world today.

Day 19: Daffa cooling off and showering at the same time. Happiness.

Day 19: Simple fun. Happiness.

Day 19: Wish I was little again 🙂 Happiness.
Oh darling I hope you get some sleep soon, If only a nap or a 5 hour stretch! It’s so hard being so tired all the time, you seem to be coping so well…rest up when you can and I hope your tummy gets better. I am loving your blog updates…I don’t think i knew how/or didn’t think to subscribe until recently. Loving it! xxx
Bless! Thanks so much Looch! My stomach is better at last and now just have to work on getting some sleep. Otherwise all is great! I hope things are a little less hectic for you now and you have a chance to breathe. Biggest love and let us know if you’re heading to Bali again 🙂 xoxo