100 Days of Happiness – Day 70

This morning when I woke I heard what sounded like heavy rain so thought I would stay in bed as long as Samudra would allow before it was time for his nanny to arrive.  I gave him a bath and then opened the bedroom door as we were going to the table for me to […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 69

It seems Samudra has mastered the art of rolling ALL OVER the bed in his sleep, kicking me, then rolling to the end of the bed and back and hitting Putra, and all the time looking so peaceful! Once I am awake in the morning I cannot seem to sleep again no mater how tired […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 68

I was woken this morning at 5.30am by Samudra’s cries so tapped Putra’s arm to ask if he was up for a Car Free Day walk and was shocked to hear him say yes so early in the morning! We didn’t manage to actually leave the house until after 7am, but once we arrived outside […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 67

What a lovely day! I was so happy to wake up and know that it was Saturday and that I could spend the whole day with Samudra again.. when suddenly Iyah came into the room and took him away from me! I was completely confused as it was only 8.00am and we had been happily […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 65

I woke to more long fingernails scratching my face this morning so I gave up on sleep, put Samudra in the baby sling, picked up the camera and off we went for a morning walk with me still in my pj’s (how times have changed!).. The sun was just rising so the air was warm […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 64

Another early start to the morning with cuddles, and then I decided it would be good to feed Samudra and take him for an early morning walk to take photos as it’s been awhile since we have done this.  We didn’t make it past the kitchen as kakek was home and he ended up taking […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 63

I woke up so early this morning as Samudra was sticking his fingers up my nose and poking my face, so I got lots of morning cuddles before bathing him and getting him ready for his new nanny.  I thought I would start crying when Putra told me she had arrived… how absolutely pathetic of […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 62

Today was another ‘camera free’ day as I didn’t feel the strength to face the heat outside for any adventures with my beautiful boy.  We have spent so much time meeting new people and exploring lately, that it was nice to stay home again and play and to be able to start to FINALLY begin […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 61

My alarm went off at 4.00am this morning, and I could hear everyone in the house already up and ready to go to their morning prayers at the mosque.  I don’t know how anyone can get up at this time every morning and not be exhausted all day long, but at the same time, it’s […] Read more »