Kids love Kuntum Nurseries

Tasha May_We love jakarta_Kuntum Nurseries_feeding rabbits carrots

I wrote about our visit to Kuntum Nurseries last year but as we just visited it again last weekend on our way to stay at Novotel Bogor, I thought I would write about it again as we love it so much. If you have young kids and you’re heading to Bogor for a day trip […] Read more »

Kuntum Nurseries, Bogor

It’s been so crazy busy with work for weeks now that poor little Samudra has been indoors without any fun day outings or playgroups and I have been feeling incredibly guilty about this.  It can be tricky trying to work full time and plus find quality time to spend with the little love of my […] Read more »

A sunny Sunday morning…

Well this ended up being a spontaneous outing for me and little Samudra and we ended up having lots of fun together exploring the zoo and meeting people. I had been planning to go and cover The Color Run this morning as I had been given a media invitation, but after waiting 40 minutes for […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 93

Although I was awake with Samudra so early today, I tried to stall getting out of bed for as long as possible as I had it in my head that I wanted to take him to Ragunan Zoo for a change of scenery, but remembered that it wouldn’t open until 9.00am.  I figured by the time […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 68

I was woken this morning at 5.30am by Samudra’s cries so tapped Putra’s arm to ask if he was up for a Car Free Day walk and was shocked to hear him say yes so early in the morning! We didn’t manage to actually leave the house until after 7am, but once we arrived outside […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 4

Sun’s out! Ayo let’s go to the zoo! I was so happy so see some sunshine this morning that I decided to take Samudra to Ragunan Zoo, and it seems that half of Jakarta had the same idea!  It was busy there, lots of families sat on the blankets on the still muddy grounds for […] Read more »

Jakarta Fair 2012 Flora and Fauna at Lapangan Banteng

A brief visit in the searing Jakartan heat to Lapangan Banteng was a new and slightly strange experience for me…. after entering and walking through a beautiful section of native plants and colourful tropical flowers, which made me momentarily wish for a garden of my very own (the reality is I would kill the plants […] Read more »