100 Days of Happiness – Day 26

I didn’t get a chance a chance to update the blog last Sunday as I had to rush home from the final day of Indonesia Fashion Week again and look after Samudra and pack and get ready to head to the airport super early Monday morning.. looking after Samudra means that nothing else much gets […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 24

Today I took Samudra with me to Indonesia Fashion Week with the plan to photograph many of the booths there as the isles have so much colour and some great pieces on display.  We didn’t get far with taking photos at all as we had so many people stopping us to say hello and wanting […] Read more »

Fashion Design Competition at Indonesia Fashion Week 2014

Yesterday was the ‘Unlocking Potential’ show presented by Dulux for the Indonesian Fashion Design Competition 2014.  It was such a great mix of styling and colour by all contestants, who have worked incredibly hard to make it through the selection process with the first place going to Savira Lavina with her ‘Soldier Children Army’ parade. […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 23

Day 23 certainly didn’t get off to the happiest of beginnings!  Samudra woke up so often last night crying it was craziness, every time I got up to cuddle and soothe him less than half an hour had passed since the last time.  As much as I love sleeping upstairs in the studio, it has […] Read more »