100 Days of Happiness – Day 50

Today is the half way mark to 100 Days of Happiness! Well at least it was as I am writing this very late again as getting to my computer has proven to be all but impossible lately.. This day was spent in bed hugging my sick little boy all day and feeling a little crazy […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 49

This post brings me up to date (finally!) with all my happiness days so far… so sorry to have bombarded you today, but I have to do it whenever I get the chance.. and today I finally had lots of time..  It seems that my beautiful little boy was not feeling too well today.  After […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 47

Today started with an early complimentary breakfast at the Hotel of nasi goreng and tempe mendoan, followed by way too many mini croissants.. what’s with my ridiculously insatiable appetite? It was another steaming hot day in Jogja, all of it spent meeting people with Samudra at the locations where Putra was filming.  I would like […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 46

This morning was another early start and for once I had to wake Samudra up as we were heading to the airport to fly to Jogja for a few days so Putra could film for a new short documentary.  I had forgotten how quick the flight there actually was, and no sooner had we sat […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 45

OK, I am once again finding myself far behind with updates after a quick trip out of Jakarta. On Friday, my 45th Day of Happiness, I spent most of the morning just playing with Samudra before braving the heat with him for a quick walk up to Jasons Supermarket on Jl Ampera.  I had planned […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 44

Today started much earlier than I would have liked.. at 3.00am! Samudra decided to wake up and start pulling my hair and rolling around the bed to his bapak and keeping us both awake.. All attempts to settle him by feeding or sitting in the rocking chair failed, and after 5 minutes of peace he […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 41

Today was a pretty chilled out day again, a nice lazy Sunday, as it should be when it is pouring raining outside.  Putra and I FINALLY made it back to the gym again and it felt good to power along sweating on the treadmill while watching some hysterical tips on the local tv news about […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 40

This morning while lying in bed I could hear lots of noise and laughter out on the street so decided to have a quick look over the fence with Samudra and I saw what looked like the colourful tops of ondel ondel (large puppets used for folk performances).. so I ran back inside threw a […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 39

This afternoon we took the jeep out for a drive to Citos to meet Treen.  It was Samudra’s first time in the jeep and he was loving it but quickly fell asleep with the sound of the engine and bumpy ride.  The jeep is the same one that Putra’s parents used to drive him and […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 38

Today was Daffa’s 5th Birthday and he was so excited! As expected he ripped open his present in one rough scoop, which made me laugh as we had watched the lady take almost half an hour to wrap it last night at the store. Yes, it looked beautifully wrapped, but seriously, Matahari gives their staff […] Read more »