100 Days of Happiness – Day 49

This post brings me up to date (finally!) with all my happiness days so far… so sorry to have bombarded you today, but I have to do it whenever I get the chance.. and today I finally had lots of time..  It seems that my beautiful little boy was not feeling too well today.  After a quick play outside with Iyah and Daffa, he was back in the bedroom and he slept beside me almost all day long.  He seems to have a runny nose and a bit of a high temperature and couldn’t stay awake today so I stayed in my pajamas until 5.00pm just sitting on the bed beside him while replying to emails and sorting out my photos. It was a much needed rest day for both of us and he has been around sick kids a bit lately as there seems to be some bugs going around, to best to let him sleep it off.

When he finally did wake, we went for a quick walk up to Total Supermarket for some fresh air and when we returned he was laughing and happy and had a play with his nenek and kakek before passing out again quickly.

I didn’t get a chance to take any photos today, so thought I would just post two more from last night of Samudra because they make me so happy!

I hope you had a beautiful day today too wherever in the world you are.

Day 49: What a poser! Happiness.

Day 49: Get well soon my sweet boy. Happiness.