100 Days of Happiness – Day 80

I planned to have a quick walk up the street this morning to go in search of bread as I woke up absolutely famished! As usual I left the house with Samudra on my hip and the camera slung over my shoulder, and we headed straight for the main road as I had no idea […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 79

As much as I tried, I couldn’t get Samudra back to sleep once he had woken super early this morning, so we played until 6.00am when it was at least a reasonable hour for me to get out of bed and go for a walk. I must say I scared myself to look down as […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 78

This morning started what only continued to be a bit of a strange day for me emotionally, so I felt like a crazy bule in Jakarta today, not really getting in sync with the day!  I had planned to take Samudra for a morning walk but kakek was up and about when we got up, […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 77

I was so happy to wake up and know that we would be heading out to see Deasy and Amaru again today, I really miss chats with Deasy and it’s been a long time between visits. I smiled as we travelled back through the streets of Pamulang as there was so much going on and […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 76

As today was spent infront of my computer all day or otherwise holding Samudra to try and calm him down from crying, I didn’t have any chance for mini adventures or photo taking outside of the house.  Being inside all day makes me realise how much I LOVE being out on the streets, how I […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 75

I had arranged with Treen to go to Car Free Day this morning, and for once Samudra decided not to wake up early, so by the time Treen arrived in the taxi with Claire, I had to wake Samudra and take him with us in his pajamas.  The street was heaving with people jogging, walking, […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 74

I had been dreaming of having a Saturday morning sleep in but didn’t make it past 6.30am this morning (which I guess IS considered a sleep-in these days!), so out came the baby sling, camera and Samudra and I headed off on another morning adventure. I decided to take a completely different route in the […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 73

Another early morning so again I put Samudra in his baby sling and off we headed for a morning walk.  I really love it when I actually make the effort to get out of bed and leave the house so early.  I wasn’t too sure where to head today so just randomly walked with Samudra […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 72

A month or so ago I was contacted via this blog by Peeta Planet, a Social Travel TV Show, hosted by two brothers  Mohamed Parham Al Al Awadhi and Peyman Parham Al Awadhi from UAE.  I was asked to give some suggestions of people they should interview, places to hang out, where to have good coffee, […] Read more »

100 Days of Happiness – Day 71

Today was an important day for Indonesians – legistlative election day! So it was a public holiday here in Jakarta and there was lots of talk about who to vote for going on in the morning. I find the whole process of voting here in Indonesia completely confusing! For starters there are over 200 million […] Read more »