Kampung Kids

I have to admit I had a mini melt down at the beginning of the week. After two weeks of looking after Samudra on my own while Putra was away, in and out of taxis for hours every single day to go on play dates and have adventures together, I was wondering if we had made a bad decision to move to where we have as it feels quite isolating sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I love our house, I love that we can go for walks in the streets and the complex is so big and peaceful and there are lots of little parks scattered around.. but the downside is that there seems to be no life in here! Our complex is filled with retired ex military people so all we see are groups of retirees on their super early morning walks, talking about ammunition and goodness knows what else.

It really doesn’t feel like being in Jakarta, they removed all the kaki lima’s selling street food and the Holland Bakery van that was parked near our house not long after we moved in, and with it went all the people that used to sit around on the streets and say hello as we walked past. Suddenly the streets were deserted. What I have always loved about Jakarta the most is watching life happening on the streets, the hustle and bustle, the friendly faces and watching people go about their daily chores. In our complex I would walk for over an hour and be lucky to see 2 people walking around. This means that I have a constant guilty feeling that I have moved Samudra to somewhere where he has no one to play with while we work, and I don’t want him locked inside all day long if we need a few hours to get things done. So we spend every spare moment we have jumping into taxis and visiting friends and running around, which is fun, but I would also like to be able to sit still for a minute too and be content in our surroundings.

So I finished my work and decided to take Samudra on a late afternoon stroll to visit the dogs in the complex as he loves feeding them biscuits and barking at them! Someone up above must have been listening to my ridiculous woes because next thing you know, loads of little kids appeared from nowhere and ran up to Samudra and started squeezing his cheeks and asking if they could play with him. Samudra was sooooo happy! They ran off to see the dogs together and then walked Samudra home wanting to hold his hands and asked if they could visit him the next day.

They have come to visit after school every afternoon since, and you cannot wipe the smile from Samudra’s face when they appear at the gate calling his name. All these kids live in the kampungs outside of our complex and are so incredibly sweet and loving towards Samudra, helping to put on his shoes, holding his hands, taking him across the road to the park and to see the monkey in the cage down the road. At last my heart can have some peace, knowing he is bursting with happiness to have some company here and that he will be looked after while I do what I need to do.

Thanks little ones for bring sunshine into Samudra’s days this week – you have been gorgeous little rays of sunshine bringing life to the complex!

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Samudra meets new little friends

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Instant happiness

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Running around like he’s King of the Kids

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Back for a visit again

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Helping Samudra put on his shoes so they can go exploring

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Hanging out on the streets

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Making loud noises of happiness with his new friends

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Our blackboard in the garage after the kids went home. So cute..

Jacob turns 1!

Every Friday a lovely group of Mum’s and babies meet around South Jakarta for playgroup, taking turns to host at different houses every week.  Unfortunately due to my schedule we have missed out on so many of these gatherings in the past couple of months.  It was so beautiful to finally be able to make it again and to see just how much all the kids are growing and changing, and are now able to play and entertain eachother.

Little Jacob was absolutely adorable and it appears that Samudra had a crush on his older sister Zoe, hugging her all morning and I even caught him kissing her on the baby couch when I was looking for him to leave!! Do they really start that young? Ha ha..

Happy Birthday Jacob, and congratulations to your family on making it through the year with happiness and laughter and so much love for you.


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Horse obsessed Samudra in his element

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So much cuteness!

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Iuna busy drawing

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Happy 1st Birthday Jacob!

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Jennifer making party noise

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Super big teddy gets some loving

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Cuddles for Zoe

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Zoe has an admirer

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We had to buy Samudra a horse after the party.. he hasn’t let it out of his sight since!

Iuna turns 2!

The best thing about living as an expat is not only do you get to immerse yourself in a new culture and lifestyle, but you also get to meet lovely people from all over the world living in the same circumstances as you.  The only downside is that living as an expat means that friendships are transient as people and families have to pick up and move on to wherever work or life decisions take them, and usually with very short notice.

Since having Samudra I have met a whole new set of lovely expat families and children here in Jakarta and try to get to playgroups as often as we can to catch up with everyone to give Samudra a chance to play with other kids, and me a chance to chat to other parents.  So it broke my heart to learn that the lovely Siti, Methi and their beautiful kids Mauk and Iuna will be leaving Jakarta in the next few months.  We have to make the most of the time that we have with people that are important to us and what better way to do so than at little Iuna’s 2nd Birthday! Samudra adores Iuna and Mauk and Mauk is like a big brother to Samudra, always looking out for him and making sure he is ok. This is one very special and super happy family and I feel blessed to have met them here in Jakarta.

Happy Beautiful beautiful Iuna! Thanks for being a gorgeous ray of sunshine always.

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Happy 2nd Birthday Iuna!

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I put my hand on the cake.. and now look!

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Iuna’s adorable brother and friends

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Enjoying cake with mum..

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Super cute little friends excited to be getting cake

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Love these two!

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Want some of the chocolate sign? yum..

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Samudra and Shiv having a play

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Mahi, peaceful in her own little world playing

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Watching the big kids playing in the pool outside

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3 month old Rean… what a smile!

Treen & Tri tie the knot!

OK.. so this technically didn’t happen ‘in’ Jakarta.. but it’s all thanks to Jakarta that December held an extra super special occasion for us… Treen and Tri got married – YIPPPPPEEEEEE!!

Who would have thought back when we started this blog in 2010, still struggling to find our way through this city and with the language barrier and hysterically funny daily interactions, that we would be here all these years later… with marriages and babies tying us to Indonesia forever!

I was so happy that Samudra and I were able to fly over to Melbourne for a super quick surprise visit to attend this awesome day as it was so lovely to see Treen so radiant and the two of them so happy together, and to see all our family too.

I wish Treen and Tri every happiness in the world in this new chapter of their togetherness and am so looking forward to expanding families here in Jakarta!

As always, Jakarta remains completely surprising so be careful what you wish for when you come here.. your dreams just may come true…

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In Mum’s garden before the wedding

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Mum and Nanna leading them down the garden isle

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Our big crazy family! (too big for the 50mm lens ha ha!)


The Circus of Dreams

Last year I was fortunate to learn about and attend the 7th Annual Community Circus of the Red Nose Foundation, or Yayasan Hidung Merah, which is a fantastic non-profit arts and education outreach organisation based in Jakarta. All the students of the foundation reside in the slum areas of Cilincing, North Jakarta, or Jurangmangu Timur, South Tangerang.

The foundation aims to raise the children’s confidence to follow their dreams and feel that anything is possible, by not only conducting free circus classes for them, but also assisting them with maths, science, reading and English studies.

As I have had an article published about the event in Indonesia Expat Magazine (indonesiaexpat.biz/issue 131), I thought I would share an interview with Isabella here, a volunteer from Italy, temporarily training and teaching with the circus.

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The lovely Isabella

1. How old are you and where in Italy do you come from?
I am 19 years old. I come from a small city near Venice called Padova.

2. Are you studying to perform/teach in Italy?
I actually now live in the United States. I perform and teach at a circus gym called MSA, which is where I also train. This past year I started training in more of the circus activities that are not main focus of training, which is acro (acrobatics). Now I am training in juggling, silks, and trapeze, as well as acro.

3. How did you first hear about the Hidung Merah group? What motivated you to travel to Jakarta to teach and perform with them?
I first heard about the Hidung Merah group when Whawhan was in Chicago last year for a month. He was training at my gym and with all the time we spent together either inside or outside of the gym, I got to know more about him and Hidung Merah. I saw short videos of Cilincing, one of the villages Hidung Merah, as well as some videos of Hidung Merah at its beginning. I travelled to Jakarta in November 2013, as a birthday gift, to visit Whawhan. While in Jakarta back in 2013, I spent a day in Cilincing and seeing the kids practicing and trying to communicate with me made me want to come back to help them. With this said, seeing the kids at work is what really motivated me to travel to Jakarta to teach and perform with them. They are a very talented group of kids that does not complain about messing up when they do. They keep working in order to make great acts for any shows they may have through out the year. Being involved with this way of working for even just a day is what really showed me that I, coming from a part of the world where there is a lot of complaining, should give back to a part of the world that is a bit different from where I live.

4. Why do you think it is so important to have this foundation in Indonesia?
I think it is so important to have this foundation in Indonesia because it helps the kids who are part of this organization to learn new activities. Not only does it help the kids learn new activities but it also helps them with school subjects like science, math, reading, and English. During classes they are involved in circus activities as well as science projects, and shows. At the same time, they have the opportunity to work on their English when there is a volunteer. At the same time, they have the chance to work with volunteers who come from other countries. When they perform, they inspire their communities, which is something that cannot be done if a foundation like this would not be around. It is always nice to see the smiles on everybody’s faces.

5. What is the most important lesson you have learnt by being a member of the group?
The most important lesson I have learned is to never give up because it is ok to mess up. You never get really good at something on the first try. I used to give up really easily but after spending 6 weeks here, I started being motivated to just keep practicing because that is what makes you get to being really good. This was an important lesson for me because I was used to giving up all the time without thinking about it. Now, I always think before giving up or complaining. I am thankful about this new lesson I have learned because it has turned me into a better person.

Keep your eyes out for events involving this foundation as they are great to watch, and better still, if you would like to donate towards the future of these children, you can find further information at http://rednosefoundation.org/

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Let the circus begin!

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Happiness while juggling

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The audience got a little distracted by my camera… eeek!

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The little ones spinning plates were adorable

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Jump for joy!

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Getting acrobatic… so much strength and flexibility

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Some cool tricks

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Group juggling

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Dan Roberts, Founder of Hidung Merah Circus



Zoe Turns 1!

This was a very special occasion that I couldn’t let slip by although it was quite some time ago now. As beautiful little Zoe was turning 1, her parents wanted to celebrate by giving back to those less fortunate, as Zoe has been blessed with good health and love since the day she arrived into the world. What better way to celebrate than to share her day with orphans at Panti Asuhan Tunas Bangsa in Cipayung.

I have only ever visited Lestari Sayang Anak Orphanage in Cipete since being in Jakarta, and this was a completely different experience for me. Instead of a small building with a family atmosphere, this orphanage was quite big and over several levels and there were so many children running around everywhere. Little Samudra was a little overwhelmed with all the noise of children on a sugar high blowing party horns and running around, trying to pick him up and push him around. There was a cake and treats for the children and also a meal of rice and soup for them too.

Thanks to the generosity of all those that donated for Zoe’s birthday, her gorgeous parents bought so many goods that were needed at the orphanage for all the kids and there were also donations of clothes and toys.

I was so happy that we were able to attend and my heart completely melted then broke watching all the little babies in a room which we were not allowed to enter, only view from the windows. I watched as they cried and the carers came and turned them over and put them down again and I just wanted to hug them all so they know they are loved. Of course all of the mum’s standing at the window walked away in tears. I can only hope they find someone to love them and take them home soon.

Thanks to Cara and Eli for giving your little girl such a selfless and happy birthday gift.

If anyone can help or is able to go and visit the children you should do it! Give a cuddle or anything you can, I’m sure it all makes a huge difference to all those beautiful little ones living there.

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The Birthday Girl

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Oi Samudra… birthday cuddle or what?

One of the beautiful orphans

One of the beautiful orphans

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You cannot imagine the noise blowing on so many of these at once makes!

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Samudra was a little overwhelmed by all the kids and chaos

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A generously donated Duckie Birthday Cake from Pretty Special Cakes

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Beautiful family

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So many kids, so much craziness..

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Happy Birthday to YOU!

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Happy Birthday in Indonesian

They just look so unsure.. but so cute in matching pink

They just look so unsure.. but so cute in matching pink

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Shy little girl at the orphanage

Last Yummy Mummy Play Date for 2014

I want to say a HUGE thank you to the lovely mum’s and babes in this group who helped to make 2014 so special for us… especially to Sarah for hosting at her house every week (so many toys! every kids dream…). Although we had to miss many of the Monday morning catch-up’s, those we could attend were always fun and it was lovely to start the week with so many smiling happy faces (and sometimes tears), singing, morning tea, playing, and mummy chats.

We look forward to making lots more memories in 2015 and to welcoming new friends along the way to sing and laugh with.

Thanks Yummy Mummy’s and your beautiful bubba’s. xox

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In a taxi on our long ride to play..

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Is there something on your head Carlton?

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Oh.. hahaha!

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Gorgeous Milady

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Welcome to the group Smiley Riley!

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Leighton being entertaining

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Riley and his lovely mum Greta

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Looking forward to more fun together

Hello Jakarta 2015!

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Our beautiful little Santa

Hello Jakarta!

It’s now one week in at 7th January so I’m a little late with my message but here’s wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope for you all is that 2015 is filled with love, laughter, adventures, sprinkles of magic and all your dreams coming to fruition..

The last few months of last year were absolutely crazy busy and fun with unexpected and spontaneous travels (more on that in posts to come), a wedding and visit to family and so as usual this blog got neglected and I have a big backlog of photos but now it’s the new year I am thinking I will have to archive many stories so we can start afresh.. in saying that, I will sneak in some pics of a couple of last special occasions for 2014 before we get stuck into this one!

Looking back, last year seemed to go on forever and in mind was one of the longest years in memory as every year seems to fly by before my eyes the older I get.. It was an absolute joy walking the streets with Samudra in the pram earlier in the year and ending with him walking the streets with me.. It was a year filled with both tears and love looking after a little one but mostly incredibly special.

I hope everyone had a chance to have a break and is feeling refreshed and ready to take on this new year, and for those that have suffered, that this year sheds some healing light on you.

I look forward to more adventures and sharing our journeys with you, and also hearing what you all get up to.

Bring on 2015 in Jakarta!

A sunny Sunday morning…

Well this ended up being a spontaneous outing for me and little Samudra and we ended up having lots of fun together exploring the zoo and meeting people. I had been planning to go and cover The Color Run this morning as I had been given a media invitation, but after waiting 40 minutes for a taxi that never turned up and appeared to be lost when I checked the tracking on my taxi app, I decided to change my plan.

Time kept ticking on and I was torn whether to venture over to Taman Suropati for Samudra to play on the grass or just walk around the complex as it was already 8.00am and from this time onwards Jakarta sunshine starts getting too hot. I decided I was too lazy to go to Menteng so would just walk around the complex, but as I was walking I changed my mind (eeek!) and decided to go have some fun with my little ray of sunshine. We left the pram at the security entrance to the complex and walked out to find a taxi – it’s impossible to push a pram outside the gates as there is no footpath and too much traffic.. so we jumped in the first cab we saw and headed up to the zoo. It was so packed by the time we got there with huge groups of kids (scouts, athletics club kids, etc) and everyone wanted to take photos of the ‘bule baby’. Samudra was more interested in walking around looking at the animals or his shoes and making new little friends than stopping for so many photos. He got pecked by the peacock sticking his fingers in the wire and instead of crying, he started laughing and dancing around and wanted more!

We watched the baby elephants splashing around, the orangutans covering their heads with huge leaves and a black bear chasing a huge lizard with a dead mouse in its mouth (yuck!).

It was a fun mini adventure and great way to start a lazy Sunday.

I hope you had a fun weekend wherever in the world you are too.

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Paparazzi’s out at the Pelican area

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Samudra finds a new admirer

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With gorgeous little Daffa

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Watching the baby elephants playing

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Hello Deer

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Hey.. come see some really cool animals with me!

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Hello… Hello… HELLO!

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This elephant was making so much noise for his audience

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More paparazzi and a new friend

Hellofest Anima Expo

It’s so difficult to find time for our little family to hang out these days as Putra is so busy with work 7 days a week, so it was a treat that we could spend yesterday together at Hellofest Anima Expo in Senayan.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but as soon as we entered through the gates, I imagined this is what it must be like in Harajuku, Japan, with all the quirky characters posing for photos in crazy costumes. The place was swarming with cosplayers, cameras and lots of colour.. and boy was it steaming hot! Jakarta is always super sweltering before rain in this wet season. There were booths set up in tents selling costumes, comics, toys and novelty goods but it was far too hot to stop and browse while trying to push through the crowds. Who knew this scene was so huge in Jakarta? There was also another huge anime festival on this weekend so I imagine that would have been crowded also.

We watched people drawing cartoons and their favourite anime characters and posed for lots of photos with the young crowd, before the heat became unbearable and it was time to move on.

Fun days and so loved to hang out with my favourite two boys for family time.

Hope you had a fun Saturday too.

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Welcome to Hellofest!

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Amazing costumes everwhere

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Piercing eyes!

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Amazing eye contacts

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Eeeeeek.. Samudra did not like this costume at all..

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Cute and quirky characters

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Love the costume and the posing

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I wish I knew who all these characters are

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One brown and one blue eye..

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Why hello Robert..

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Cartoon time

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Samudra loves his new shoes from bapak

Tasha May_welovejakarta_we love jakarta_Hellofest Anima Expo_Senayan_Jakarta_Cosplay Jakarta_weekend in Jakarta

Beware of zombies!