Zoe Turns 1!

This was a very special occasion that I couldn’t let slip by although it was quite some time ago now. As beautiful little Zoe was turning 1, her parents wanted to celebrate by giving back to those less fortunate, as Zoe has been blessed with good health and love since the day she arrived into the world. What better way to celebrate than to share her day with orphans at Panti Asuhan Tunas Bangsa in Cipayung.

I have only ever visited Lestari Sayang Anak Orphanage in Cipete since being in Jakarta, and this was a completely different experience for me. Instead of a small building with a family atmosphere, this orphanage was quite big and over several levels and there were so many children running around everywhere. Little Samudra was a little overwhelmed with all the noise of children on a sugar high blowing party horns and running around, trying to pick him up and push him around. There was a cake and treats for the children and also a meal of rice and soup for them too.

Thanks to the generosity of all those that donated for Zoe’s birthday, her gorgeous parents bought so many goods that were needed at the orphanage for all the kids and there were also donations of clothes and toys.

I was so happy that we were able to attend and my heart completely melted then broke watching all the little babies in a room which we were not allowed to enter, only view from the windows. I watched as they cried and the carers came and turned them over and put them down again and I just wanted to hug them all so they know they are loved. Of course all of the mum’s standing at the window walked away in tears. I can only hope they find someone to love them and take them home soon.

Thanks to Cara and Eli for giving your little girl such a selfless and happy birthday gift.

If anyone can help or is able to go and visit the children you should do it! Give a cuddle or anything you can, I’m sure it all makes a huge difference to all those beautiful little ones living there.

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The Birthday Girl

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Oi Samudra… birthday cuddle or what?

One of the beautiful orphans

One of the beautiful orphans

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You cannot imagine the noise blowing on so many of these at once makes!

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Samudra was a little overwhelmed by all the kids and chaos

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A generously donated Duckie Birthday Cake from Pretty Special Cakes

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Beautiful family

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So many kids, so much craziness..

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Happy Birthday to YOU!

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Happy Birthday in Indonesian

They just look so unsure.. but so cute in matching pink

They just look so unsure.. but so cute in matching pink

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Shy little girl at the orphanage