Taman Suropati Chamber during Ramadhan

During the month of Ramadhan, Taman Suropati Chamber have rescheduled their usual morning classes to 3-5pm each Sunday afternoon. We headed down recently, taking with us one of Treen’s dear friends and fellow teachers, Talisa, to enjoy the ambience in the park. I am incredibly envious of anyone with any musical talent and to see Talisa join in the class so enthusiastically was so beautiful to see! If only I could be so brave as to give it a try myself….

Talisa joining the class for the first time

Hendra teaching the ‘Seeds’ students

Enjoying the melodies by the fountain in Taman Suropati

Talisa joining in Vanessa’s class at the park

Vino giving private tuition

Ages holding a jam session with the students before Buka Puasa (Break Fasting)

Vino and Visko, Ages and Yasminka’s twin sons, playing in the afternoon sunshine

Thank you for another lovely afternoon of beautiful music..