Waiting patiently at the lights in an angkot...

Mobile tailor... got to love that!

Taking a nap on the side of an extremely busy street

Taking a smoko break....

Musicians taking to the street to busk on the buses...

Health & Safety what??? No boots required when smashing up concrete and wire here!

Relaxing in the back of the truck in the steaming heat

Late at night at the local tailor on Jl Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu
Jakarta oh Jakarta. There is not place in the world, like Jakarta
Salam hangat dari Barcelona
Love your photos! Such an accurate depiction of stuff you see on Jakarta streets!
Makasih banyak Meg!! I have the biggest ever collection of photos from daily wanderings in the streets – I am absolutely addicted to capturing as much as possible as I find every moment so beautiful… Thank you so much for sharing my images on your lovely blog too – I feel incredibly honoured – keep up the mantap work!
We hope you are loving here as much as we do too. xxxxxxx