Thank you so much to my dear friend Eddy Bogel for inviting me to his sister’s wedding last weekend.. I am still trying to understand the concept of Indonesian wedding receptions where you go, shake hands with the bride and groom up on stage, have your picture taken, eat some food quickly and then leave.. and there are always hundreds of guests! It’s so different to intimate Australian weddings where the occasion takes up a whole day and you spend it with friends and rarely ever go home sober….
I love all the costumes from different regions at weddings here and the way the stages are set up decorated with colourful flowers – it has a fairytale quality to it and Kahar & Nira looked incredibly beautiful in their traditional Sundanese outfits. Thank you so much for a beautiful morning and may your lives together always be filled with love and happiness.

Kahar and Nira looking incredible

aaaaaah Happiness!