Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 – Day 7 – “Echoes of Heritage” by Rafi

I was completely in awe when this show finished and out came the designer, Rafi, to walk the runway.  I was loving every garment with the contrasting patterns and vibrant colours and to discover the designer is a 9 year old boy who has been deaf since birth just left me speechless.  What incredible talent he has and a wild imagination for patterns and styling – you are my new hero Rafi and I hope your dreams to showcase in Milan and around the world come true..

Par by Rafi










My hero, Rafi, on the catwalk after his collection was shown

3 Responses to “Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 – Day 7 – “Echoes of Heritage” by Rafi”

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  1. Renny says:

    Tash, i just found out that the lady in the last pic is not Rafi’s mom. She’s Lia Candrasari, a former model and also the founder of LC Foundation, the organization that helps Rafi to held this show.

    • welovejakarta says:

      Thank you so much Renny!!!! I really appreciate your message and have made a change to the page on Rafi… thank you thank you xxxxx


  1. […] @momopururu namanya Rafi, dan dia tuna rungu, ini ada blog yang nampilin hasil2 designnya: http://welovejakarta.com/jakarta-fashion-week-2012-day-7-echoes-of-heritage-by-rafi/ […]