It was great to get back to JIExpo Kemayoran for another year to celebrate the beginning of Spring at Holi Hai, the Hindu ‘Festival of Colours’. The laughter and happiness was infectious as soon as we arrived and got bombarded by kids with handfuls of colour.. There was no way we could sit back and be spectators for the day as people ran around with water pistols and bags of colour to celebrate together, and we did our fare share of colour bombing too. Together with delicious Indian food, music, performances and sunshine, it was another magical day spent in Jakarta..

Mixing colours to throw at people!

Beautiful colours of Spring

Turning purple from too much colour!

Very sweet girls!

These sisters were so adorable and super friendly stocking us up on colours..

Happiness at Holi Hai

A very entertaining dance performance by a group of young girls

I love the bright colour everywhere..

Watching the performers dance up a storm!
Hi oz girls,
been a fan of your blog ever since i stumbled across it over the weekend.
I noticed that the last update was in April..I will look forward to your new posts.
Hi Jason, thanks so much for your email and sorry for the late reply – I was out of Jakarta for a few months and finally am BACK! Time for me to go jalan jalan again for more photos and stories from this crazy city! Stay tuned….. 🙂
That looks like an interesting (yet colorful) experience. We never made it to Jakarta yet but it looks like we’re missing out 🙂
Thanks Konrad! Sorry for the late reply but I have been away from Jakarta and just returned and will be getting back into life in this crazy city with more updates shortly! Happy travels to you 🙂
Looking forward to your next post!! Have been checking regularly for updates 😀