Getting ready for the New Year….

These sellers are everywhere at the moment..... ready to make some noise??

I love the safety outfits on workmen here...... !!!

Ari.... security at Beer Garden on Jl. Benda.....

Carrying the biggest stall of horns and blowers for New Years!

5 Responses to “Getting ready for the New Year….”

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  1. raiza andini says:

    happy new year….tasha and katrina……and welovejakarta lovers…..^_^

  2. Lady RaRa says:

    Your pictures are amazing, I wish I could do the same for my blog but just don’t have the photography skills 🙁 Any way I can follow this blog on my Blogger dashboard? I’m still getting to grips with feeds xx

    • Lady RaRa says:

      Oh and if you want to give me a visit it’s!

      • Hey thanks so much for your comments… I love your blog.. makes me laugh, laugh, laugh! I have added your blog to our links section so everyone can enjoy your pages too… I am not sure how the feeds works… it’s all new to us too… but I’ll let you know if I figure it out for sure… We also have a new FB page for We Love Jakarta so feel free to add yourself to keep up to date…. Maybe we’ll see you around this crazy city sometime! Enjoy the funny adventures x