Gorgeous china ink and nylon yarn painting by Sutra Ramadhani Djartot

Mau! Mau! I LOVE this painting so much by Sutra!! Also in china ink and nylon yarn...

I never knew they had a cafe here... it's so lovely and peaceful... and a great outdoors area too... great for santai time!

'Recycle Experience' sculpture by Evan Driyananda and Attina Nuraini

Great shop at the front of the gallery selling cool pieces - Jl. Kemang Selatan 99A, Jakarta, 12730
Sebelumnya saya pernah berkunjung ke dia,lo.gue, immpresif adalah kesan pertama yang saya rasakan, karena saya pun praktisi dan penikmat seni dan kesenian. selanjutnya…aku dan team berfikir bagaimana caranya produk kami dapat ikut serta di showroom Dia.lo.gue. best reggard.
Makasih banyak untuk your message! Maaf, saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia! You should definately get your artwork into Dia.log.ue.. it’s a fantastic gallery and great place to hang out.. Contact the gallery and I am sure they would love to showcase your work. Good luck xxx
thank for your attention and interest, actually i love to hear dat..so i would like to present my other Artwork in my blogs
Thanks for your message… I checked out your blog… love the artwork! Thanks so much for sharing it! So many talented people in Indonesia xixiix