Beautiful hanging decorations at one of the stalls...

Waiting for the doors to open... these were uber cool necklaces!!

Empty corridors before the madness began!

A wall of paper planes!

The cutest Walls Ice Cream sellers!

Love the clothes, love the hangers, love the decorations!

Beautiful Martha at the debut of her 'm.e' collection... so proud of you my dear friend xxx

More colourful wall decorations... someone must be incredibly patient to make all those! Looks amazing...

I want these animal chairs!!! All of them... lucu banget!

Sweet wall decorations...

The DJ playing awesome tunes!
may i know the contact details of M.E collection?
thank you
Hi Lyvia – thanks so much for looking at our blog and I have forwarded your email address to my friend Martha who is the designer for m.e – She will be in contact with you shortly.
Thanks again and hope you loved the Brightspot Markets as much as I did!
Tasha xx