Caught in the act.... having fun!

'we didn't write anything'... so sweet and innocent... lucu banget wkwkwkkw

Taking his pigeon for a walk in the alley....

Are you sure your bird is enjoying that?? wkwk

I am always amazed at the sights I see as I wander around... I love Jakarta!
Bule anak orang luu maen foto2 ajje luu ahh bule gila..?
Maaf? Apa? saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia! sedikit saja… maaaf…
Hi welovejakarta. Just ignore ir bokir kemang comment, You didnt do anything wrong.I came accross your blog accidently and i looovvee it:)Im indonesian living in uckland NZ since 1997. I havent been bck to indo since 2006,so miss the country a bit but your blog help me to ease the home sickness (hope this m ake sense:p)
keep up the good work:)
Oh Angela! Thank you sooo much for your lovely comment and we are glad that you accidentally stumbled upon us and took the time to check out our blog – it’s always great to hear that there are people out there actually checking it out.. You must have had a culture shock going from Indo to New Zealand?? It’s so quiet over there but also so incredibly beautiful!! That has to be one of the most picturesque places that I have ever visited – it’s like a postcard everywhere you look! I’m glad we were able to ease your homesickness for you – Indonesia is such a special and funny place and we hope you can make it back again some day to experience the macet which I am sure has become a lot worse since you were last over! Enjoy NZ and thank you again xxxxxxxxxxx