What a lovely day! I was so happy to wake up and know that it was Saturday and that I could spend the whole day with Samudra again.. when suddenly Iyah came into the room and took him away from me! I was completely confused as it was only 8.00am and we had been happily playing with his toys on the bed when she came in.. So I got up and walked outside to find Samudra with his nanny, Ras! Huh? She was so happy to hear that actually she only has to work monday to friday and all she needs to do is play with him all day when she is here, so she headed back home again for the weekend to be with her family. I am not a fan of the Indonesian lifestyle of working 6 days a week, you need the whole weekend to be able to relax and actually catch up with friends and family so you can feel refreshed for the week ahead.
So I got my baby back and played again before we headed to Java Bean for lunch with Putra.. I really need to find a new cafe to hang out in, but it’s kind of tricky as most places are smoking venues and this is the only one that is not and has food that I LOVE… not to mention that it’s close and so there’s not too much traffic to battle through. I was just glad to be there with my boys hanging out. That’s happiness.
We spent the afternoon at the apartment with Kakek taking Samudra down to the pool for a splash, and deciding to change the apartment before Putra rents it out again. It was good to be back there and I was thinking it would be great to live there again to be able to go swimming every day now the weather is getting super hot, but it’s far too small with a baby… and I barely swam when we lived there, except to relieve the pain when I was pregnant.
In the evening, Samudra and I went with Treen out to Gambir to Cavin and Linggi’s wedding. We were blown away to arrive at the gorgeous church with tall columns and an amazing huge wooden door, and Cavin and Linggi were standing at the bottom of the stairs glowing with happiness beside floral decorated lamps. It was such a gorgeous party with lots of food, ice sculptures, and hundreds of guests! I wish them all the happiness in the world for this new chapter in their lives together. It’s always the best when two amazing people find eachother!
Once we arrived home I put Samudra to sleep and was ready to pass out myself when Putra arrived home with a friend and we ended up sitting on the bed chatting for hours and having a few Baileys on ice…. it’s been awhile and was delicious. It was a great way to end the day and send me off to sleep at last.
I hope you all had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are.

Day 67: Performers waiting to go on stage at Pejaten Village. Happiness.

Day 67: Back to Java Bean. Happiness.

Day 67: Cavin & Linggi get married! Happiness.

Day 67: With the newly weds. Happiness.

Day 67: Amazing night. Happiness.

Day 67: The amazing church. Happiness.

Day 67: Little girl dancing after singing a song in the microphone. Happiness.

Day 67: Ooooops.. Bless! time to go home after a lovely wedding party. Happiness.

Day 67: Amazing columns outside the church. Happiness.