Today was a special day… my beautiful sister Treen’s birthday! We were a little slow going in the morning, so by the time I got Samudra and I ready to go birthday shopping, the heaven’s opened up and it absolutely poured with rain! This limited our options of where to go as rain + traffic = insanity, so we headed to Kemang to pick up a few things and by the time we finally made it there the rain stopped. This meant that we had the chance to go for a quick walk through the broken, muddy pathways around the area and Samudra got his fix of smiling at complete strangers while we did a little window shopping.
Back at home my attempts to get Samudra to hold onto a birthday sign for Treen were all but impossible, with the paper reaching his mouth 1 second after I let go each time. Needless to say we didn’t get a good photo and the sign ended up a soggy mess with holes all through it.. it’s the thought that counts, right?
We celebrated Treen’s birthday at Koi in Kemang, eating a random mix of vegetarian spring rolls and some mashed potato and I was so wishing I could have a wine or vodka to celebrate, but settling on a lime mint squeeze instead. This was followed by a surprise super chocolatey tart with candles for Treen. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREEN! I want to tell you that I have the most amazing, selfless, generous, intelligent and beautiful sister in the world and I wish her every happiness in the world today and always.
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are too.

Day 43: Attempting to get Samudra to hold a birthday sign for Treen. Happiness.

Day 43: If I am going to hold it, I am going to taste it! Happiness.

Day 43: Super chocolatey tart and ice-cream.. Selamat Ulang Tahun Treen! Happiness.

Day 43: Treen and Samudra. Happiness.

Day 43: Happy Birthday! Happiness.