Sun’s out! Ayo let’s go to the zoo! I was so happy so see some sunshine this morning that I decided to take Samudra to Ragunan Zoo, and it seems that half of Jakarta had the same idea! It was busy there, lots of families sat on the blankets on the still muddy grounds for picnics, but for me it was a good excuse to stretch my legs and show my sweet boy some animals for the first time.. and we took along Daffa and his gorgeous sister Poppie too which was fun. We visited the monkeys, ate ice-creams, played on rides, had our pictures taken and then it was time to head home with Daffa sleeping in the taxi, exhausted and content.
Oh! and I was almost bursting with excitement to see TWO BEAUTIFUL BABY ELEPHANTS there.. elephants are by far my favourite animals, such intelligent gentle giants, so this was really a moment of happiness for me.
I hope your day was a happy one too!

Day 04: The first time for me to ever see a baby elephant up close. Happiness.

Day 04: Beautiful mumma elephant and her baby. Happiness.

Day 04: Lovely Poppie with Samudra getting some shade from the sun in the amusement park. Happiness.

Day 04: Poppie and Daffa on the Dinosaur monorail. Happiness.

Day 04: Daffa on a cute ferris wheel. Happiness.