Woo hoo! finally some sleep last night and a mini sleep in… must be having no bapak snoring that made Samudra and I sleep soundly – ha! Wishing we were in Bali with him today though..
After a lazy morning playing we met up with Treen and went off to Blok M… it seems that the taxi driver thought we had just arrived in the country and took us there the longest EVER way possible, doing a huge loop to get back to where we started before we headed in the right direction!!! hmmmmf. I hadn’t been to Blok M in such a long time and I love the crazy markets underground there but today it was so hot that I don’t think I could have coped with the millions of people and chaos down there, but will make it back sometime soon. We entered into another section to pick up Treen’s clothes from the tailor that she had made especially for a wedding coming up soon. I had never been in there before, but there was a long passageway with tailors lining both sides and people sewing and smoking cigarettes… quite a production going on in the basement and the prices are apparently very reasonable.
Our next taxi driver also took us cross country through crazy traffic and a massive circle to get to our next destination rather than following the one road which would have taken 10 minutes only…This hasn’t happened in such a long time, and now twice in one day! Remember to breathe and try and enjoy the scenery outdoors as we pass it for a second time crawling along at a snails pace in the traffic like a scene from the Griswald’s family adventure… ‘Look kids it’s Big Ben!’.. We kept telling the drivers directions but they seemed to want to ignore us today. Nevermind, we FINALLY reached Senayan City and headed straight to a cafe for delicious crepes and homemade lemonade… enak sekali! Once again Samudra was requested by people to have his photo taken with them and he entertained them, and us in the process. Life is so different in the world of Samudra! So many funny random interactions and love going around.
A quick wander around and we were all exhausted so headed home before the crazy Saturday night macet. Oh how life has changed for me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are too.

Day 32: Treen picking up her perfectly fitting ‘kebaya’ from the tailor. Happiness.

Day 32: Tailors working at Blok M in a very social environment. Happiness.

Day 32: Delicious crepes with cheese, mushroom, tomato and lettuce. Happiness.

Day 32: Scoffing down Treen’s lemon drink! Happiness.

Day 32: Samudra keeping everyone entertained! Happiness.