Today I took Samudra with me to Indonesia Fashion Week with the plan to photograph many of the booths there as the isles have so much colour and some great pieces on display. We didn’t get far with taking photos at all as we had so many people stopping us to say hello and wanting to chat. Of course Samudra was loving all the attention and was all smiles and we had a fun time together walking around. I also discovered it’s incredibly difficult to take photos carrying a wriggling and laughing baby around at the same time!
We met up with my dear friend Rafi Ridwan and his lovely mum Shinta, and I was given a super cute polka dot dress from them, designed by Rafi, for being Rafi’s fairy godmother. Bless. It’s been so long since I have seen Rafi and he is so tall now, and no longer the little boy that would walk around holding my hand, and he is still busy with his designs and has a very colourful booth at IFW. At only 11 years of age he has already achieved so much and I am so proud of him.
I am looking forward to returning there again tomorrow to photograph some more shows and this time I WILL remember to take the correct lens with me (fingers crossed anyway).
I hope you had a great day wherever you are too.

Day 24: Meeting Rafi today at IFW in his booth. Happiness.

Day 24: Loving the chain detail on the front of this dress by Neti Lesmana. Happiness.

Day 24: Meeting the lovely Batik fashion designer Fank Fank (left) and her assistant. Happiness.

Day 24: Colourful bracelets by konokene project. Happiness.

Day 24: Super cute baby! I also want to buy all her mums cool designs… Maybe tomorrow? Happiness.

Day 24: Love these shoes especially designed for IFW 2014. Happiness.

Day 24: Catching up with Raiza and having her make Samudra laugh so much. Happiness.