February 14 has come and gone and this time I am VERY late with my post, but I haven’t had a chance at all to get to my computer until now. I hope you all had a beautiful Valentines Day, whatever it means to you (if at all anything), and that each and every day you feel loved by someone.
Our morning started with a walk around the complex again and this time Putra and Daffa joined Samudra and I. It made me laugh when I took Daffa to the zoo and people asked me why I had one black and one white baby! Very presumptuous to think Daffa is also mine, so I just smiled and kept them guessing. Putra walking with us really made us look like a family this time and we were greeted with many curious glances on our walk, winding through the roads to end up at the park near the school in the complex. We watched a group of elderly people playing croquet in the park and stopped and watched them for awhile as I have never seen anyone playing it here, and they were getting right into it!
We also paid another visit to the beautiful Diana, and her three gorgeous children at their apartment at Lippo Mall and Samudra had a slide around the floor while Elias was in full force crawling everywhere and pulling himself up and swaying on the swing set. What a difference a few months in age makes! One day they will be able to interact together without Samudra just lying on the ground with Elias climbing over him and pulling at him, which I find to be very cute anyway.
Joglo Beer in Kemang had a promotion for a free Valentines dinner for the evening, and as Putra and his sister Putri are good friends with the manager, Putra and I decided to go along and support the venue, and hoped for some vegetarian food on the menu. We were told it started at 6.30pm so thought we would be late arriving at 7.00pm, but in true Indonesian jam karet (rubber time), dinner didn’t start until 9.00pm. So we had a drink in the bar and just as we entered the building downstairs, we received a call from Putra’s parents to say Samudra was screaming inconsolably and could we come straight home! I felt so awful as the venue was so beautifully decorated all in white, with flowers on the tables, and musicians ready to entertain, and we were amongst the first to arrive so we sat and got up to leave straight away, making it look like we didn’t want to be there! We rushed home on the vespa to find Samudra and his kakek and nenek waiting on the street for us with him still screaming crying with loads of tears and I don’t remember if Putra had stopped yet, all I remember was jumping off the back to grab my little one and he instantly stopped crying when he was in my arms. Bless. He has never been like that, but it seemed he really wanted his mumma as I took him upstairs and he was fast asleep within a minute. So I spent my night sitting on the bed and ordering in pizza with my baby sleeping beside me, still making sad sounds as he slept. Now that’s what I call love.
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever you are in the world too.

Day 17: Daffa struggling to hang up the old school pay-phone. Happiness.

Day 17: Birds are meant to be bring you good luck – so I hope it works for this household! Happiness.

Day 17: Playing croquet in the park. Happiness.

Day 17: Samudra and his bapak at the park. Happiness.

Day 17: My sunny yellow Valentine’s rose. Happiness.

Day 17: Samudra and Elias’ baby play date. Happiness.