A huge thank you to Cipta and the crew at goodguysneverwin toy co. for the super fun night at Blok M Square 80’s Roller Boogie… The theme was 1986 and the music took me back to my youth, the outfits made me laugh, and the dance moves were hysterical as we skated for hours around the rink… amazingly I managed to stay upright all night but saw some spectacular crashes… Stay tuned for our WLJ Episode 3 coming soon for a look at the expats and locals having a rad time at Blok M!
![Roller Boogie_Blok M Square_1986](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-wBmCd6ae94g/UFKQcM-knWI/AAAAAAAAJio/fXL1ZYHZdEk/s800/0780%2520blog1.jpg)
Early in the evening at the Roller disco
![Roller Boogie_Blok M Square_1986](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-N04GicSFwzU/UFKQhgiMA2I/AAAAAAAAJjQ/4l4v_R73MTE/s800/0804%2520blog1.jpg)
A fun night for kids and adults.. next theme is Halloween!
![Roller boogie_Blok M Square_1986](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-h-nfEgCiitI/UFKQj9FBNAI/AAAAAAAAJjg/d-NVcNn5UUE/s800/0814%2520blog1.jpg)
Getting some speed up!
![Blok M Square_Roller Boogie_1986](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-EjDjE3KsyIk/UFKQfg62XmI/AAAAAAAAJjE/SFEP7GMOr-g/s800/0787%2520blog1.jpg)
Putra skating and filming at the same time… I’m impressed!
![Roller Boogie_Blok M Square_1986](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-mY5TpGCPF5w/UFKQcjerfbI/AAAAAAAAJi0/x-BTVZkTTV4/s800/0779%2520blog1.jpg)
Taking a break…
![Roller Boogie_Blok M Square_1986](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-91Ns1TYELLQ/UFKQlfpFKjI/AAAAAAAAJj0/Oiu3Vm4ff1g/s800/0832%2520blog1.jpg)
Me and Deasy, 1980’s style..
![Blok M Square_Roller Boogie_1986](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ojz4cv4msxg/UFKQmPmvarI/AAAAAAAAJjw/EXw6nqBWmaU/s800/0850%2520blog1.jpg)
Giving my feet a break and learning some new moves 🙂
![Roller Boogie_Blok M Square_1986](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-v8H3QcqhCbs/UFmWZIA05_I/AAAAAAAAJkc/1StrZ4-oAzc/s800/0856%2520blog1.jpg)
Article about the event in Jakarta Globe!