Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 – Day 5 – Lasalle College – Debutante, Identite & Coloriot

Mimi Rue by Jeannette Anandajoo - Lasalle College

Mimi Rue by Jeannette Anandajoo - Lasalle College

Identite - Lasalle College

Identite - Lasalle College


Coloriot - Lasalle College

Coloriot - Lasalle College

Coloriot - Lasalle College

Coloriot - Lasalle College

2 Responses to “Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 – Day 5 – Lasalle College – Debutante, Identite & Coloriot”

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  1. lasallian says:

    Actually, the first one was Mimi Rue by Jeannette Anandajoo, Debutante was the title of the school’s show 🙂

    • welovejakarta says:

      Thank you so much for looking at our blog and thank you also for the correction! I took over 9000 images there so got a little confused when I was trying to edit all my photos – I have made the change to the post now and really appreciate your help.

      Have a lovely afternoon.
      Tasha xxxxx