Yesterday was the ‘Unlocking Potential’ show presented by Dulux for the Indonesian Fashion Design Competition 2014. It was such a great mix of styling and colour by all contestants, who have worked incredibly hard to make it through the selection process with the first place going to Savira Lavina with her ‘Soldier Children Army’ parade. Savira won Rp 15.000,000 and a 3 month fashion study course in Italy.
Congratulations to all those that made it to the finals, it was a great show!

Emmy Thee presents ‘Pull Me Up’

Tifani Manawati presents ‘The Secret Palace’

Yusak Maulan presents ‘Cultura’

Ivana Tanos presents ‘Enchanted Soul’

Sav Lavin by Savira Lavinia presents ‘Soldier Children Army’

Vonny Kirana presents ‘Alert!!!’

Vonny Kirana presents ‘Alert!!!’

Koefina International Academy of Altamoda Koefia