Marching band on Jl Sudirman for Car Free Day

Getting healthy and enjoying a car free walk down Jl Sudirman

Women laughing and enjoying the walk to Bundaran HI

How refreshing! No insane amounts of traffic around the "Pizza Man" statue...

Enjoying a bike ride on the car free street - I am loving the home made wooden child seat on his bike

Posing for photos at Bundaran HI

Leisurely ride to Monas - It's not easy to ride and take photos! wkwkwk

Happiness! Looking like Princess Leia from Star Wars wkwkkwkw

Fun times at Monas

Flying kites is a favourite hobby in Indonesia

Green Milo boys at Monas

More Green boys at Monas!

Heading back to Jalan Sudirman before the traffic starts again at 9am

What a fun way to spend a super early Sunday morning!
Hi… how are you ? i am a boy in your photo with the tags ” Happiness! Looking like Princess Leia from Star Wars wkwkkwkw ”
I wear a green tees hihi..
have long since this photo was taken . I am so happy 😀 haha
Hobi yang bagus kak … 😀 ( Indonesia Languange )
ooooooooh gitttuuuuu! mantap! great to hear from you and so funny that you found your photo after so long! That was taken in 2012 I think? saya mau pergi ke Monas lagi! Enjoy and thank you so much for your message 🙂