Chinese Wishing Lanterns at Ancol…

Trying to light the lanterns in the wind....

Getting ready to release the lantern....

Making a wish........

...just before it blew into the water.... ooops! another one...

Lanterns & wishes being carried away by the breeze.....

These fires were scarey..... the lanterns flew straight into people standing around!

These heart shaped lanterns looked beautiful...

...and more....

Big crowds on the pier....

May all your wishes come true! xxxx

3 Responses to “Chinese Wishing Lanterns at Ancol…”

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  1. I’m jealous to you(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
    after viewing pictures Chinese Wishing Lanterns at Ancol

  2. steph says:

    i love it!!!
    Let me know if u hv those kind of moment… 😉

  3. raiza andini says:

    cute picture….miss you mba tasha…