Another morning of being woken at 3.00am and not being able to get back to sleep, but Samudra managed to get back to sleep around 5.30am and stayed asleep until after 9.00am! Sometimes I wonder if this fuzzy head of mine will ever disappear and I will wake up feeling super fresh.. but at the same time I do love to watch the boys sleeping and feel extremely blessed to have them both in my life.
I decided to walk over to the apartment mid morning to take some more photos so we can start advertising it online. On the way I met with loads of funny little kids riding their bikes around and asking where my baby was.. I did actually feel a weird sensation having two free hands while I was walking.. it’s so rare that I go anywhere without Samudra, and the one time I actually had freedom to take photos without the camera being yanked from my hands as I press the shutter button, I hardly took any!
I did watch this one little boy running up the steep hill of the kampung onto the main road with a pigeon in his hands and I tried to walk faster to catch up to see where he was headed. I watched him dodging motorbikes and metro minis swerving on the edge of the road and he ducked and weaved in and out of the traffic and then ran up the stairs to the overpass where I managed to get my camera to my eye and snap 1 quick (& blurred) photo before he threw the bird into the air and went running straight back to where he came from! How different his childhood games to those I grew up with and there is no way I would have been allowed near such a busy road on my own.. I would have been squashed in a second. Kids of Jakarta really do have the ‘street smarts’ and I guess they have no choice as traffic is almost unavoidable around this crazy city.
I crossed the overpass and walked passed the motorbike mechanics on the side of the road… I had to shake my head and laugh as they called out to me knowing that I am actually old enough to be some of those boys mother! I reached the apartment 2 minutes later and wished that I had bought my bathers with me as the sun was shining down on the pool and I was roasting hot as always! The pool area was empty apart from one grey but still handsome European looking man, rocking a baby in it’s pram, which turned out to be his 2 month old son, while his two young daughters played poolside like mermaids with their hair so long it just fell short of the ground when they stood up. I wondered how a man who looked to be in his early 70’s coped with having such young children. I find it pretty exhausting only having one baby and I’m not quite his age yet!
The rest of the day flew by with the sunshine giving way to some refreshing rain in the late afternoon yet again and I missed having a walk with little Samudra today.. hopefully tomorrow.
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever you are in the world.

Day 90: Young boy just before he released his pigeon. Happiness.

Day 90: Easing traffic as I walked back home again. Happiness.