This morning was a little tricky as Samudra woke up crying and didn’t really seem to want to settle down, but we had a birthday party to go to so I thought once he saw some other babies maybe that would make him calmer.
We caught a taxi in the gorgeous morning sunshine to the Senayan Residences for Carlton & Leighton’s 1st Birthday Party. What a gorgeous complex this is with huge open spaces and incredible looking houses! We arrived to find balloons decorating the doorway and a box in the entrance for donations for needy as there was a request for no gifts, which I think is such a beautiful idea. WoW! What a gorgeous Teddy Bears Picnic party Sarah and her family had put together for all the kids. There were mats on the floor and loads of play equipment, including toddler pools, bubble machines set up around the garden and fans blowing long colourful streamers in the sunshine. Teddy bears sat in the tipi’s and baby tents ready to be played with and there were so many gorgeous kids giggling and running around.
I had planned to take loads of photos for Sarah and the boys today but Samudra got teary every time someone tried to hold him or I put him on the ground to play, so it was the usual game of him pulling at the camera cord every time I tried to take a photo so we didn’t get too many pics in the end, and I ended up carrying him around all morning.
There was a delicious selection of food and there were tables and chairs set up under cover in the garden, and a whole ice-cream fridge in the kitchen, like you see in the shops! So I gave Samudra his first ever mini ice-cream which he proceeded to stick in his mouth and then smear all over his face which was too cute!
A couple of hours into the party the sun disappeared to be replaced by seriously heavy rain so everyone had to run inside for shelter and we all gathered around to sing Happy Birthday to Carlton & Leighton who happily dug their hands into their cakes after the candles were blown out. This was such a beautiful party and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and the kids all left with a beautiful picnic hamper which included a teddy, teddy bear biscuits, bubble machine guns and a note pad and pen. So cool! I did feel a moment of panic of what to do for Samudra’s first birthday but I actually I think I will keep it very low key as he is too little to know better, not having any older siblings.
Samudra then started to lose it and my phone decided not to work so I was wondering how to get him home as I couldn’t call a taxi and the rain was too heavy for me to find one on the street and everyone was leaving. Beautiful Sarah was kind enough to organise a taxi only for us to arrive home and all the gates were locked so Samudra and I were stranded in the street getting drenched! I knew Putra was home so I was banging the gates, quite ferociously in the end (ha!) as there was no shelter from the pouring rain and I started to panic that we would never get inside. Finally Putra woke up and heard us (what luxury he has to be able to sleep so late!), and we got inside, dried off, and Samudra fell asleep for a couple of hours.
In the evening we couldn’t decide what to eat so ended up back at Raja Rasa for some more crispy tahu and vegetables. A perfect way to end the day yet again.
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are.

Day 89: Imogen & Samudra at the party. Happiness.

Day 89: Such a fun set up in the backyard. Happiness.

Day 89: Samudra in the tipi with teddies. Happiness.

Day 89: Super cutness + mini ice-creams = happiness.

Day 89: An angel on the swings. Happiness.

Day 89: The beautiful birthday boys Carlton and Leighton. Happiness.