Another early morning and another beautiful walk in the sunshine with my beautiful boy. It was fairly quiet on the path I chose to take today, but we saw lots of chickens walking along the roads, cats and also some squirrels in a cage which made Samudra jump up and down in excitement.
There was the usual fruit and vegetable sellers and friendly greetings from people we passed and then we came across a fence with a row of ladies chatting with babies in slings slung across their shoulders. They all started calling out to us to join them and there were about 6 babies there around the same age as Samudra. Everyone was so lovely but turned shy and walked out of frame when I held my camera up to take a photo. I’m not sure what this building was, it looked like a koste with lots of separate rooms for people to live in, but I found it unusual that there were so many women and babies all there. Once I had taken a few photos and the little kids got excited when I showed them the screen, they all stood infront of me smiling only to have my camera battery die right then and there.. oooh! I really need to be more organised!
It was a gorgeous morning and we returned so hot as always and I bathed Samudra and handed him to his nanny so I could get productive. I don’t know what came over me in the afternoon, but it was a mixture of homesickness, tiredness and a little loss of direction and I felt so emotional! I have learned over these past 84 days that it is not possible to actually be completely happy all the time, but for sure there are moments of happiness that come from the least unexpected places every day. When you live in a culture different from the one you grew up in, there will be confusion, language barriers and of course you will miss family and friends that are so far away. At the same time, it’s exciting to be somewhere new, to learn new ways of doing things and trying to communicate in a new language. It’s just finding a balance between the two and sometimes it sways more to one side than the other for my comfort zone.
At the end of the day I feel blessed to have such a beautiful partner in Putra and to be blessed to be Samudra’s mum and to experience new things and meet lovely people wherever we go.
I hope you had a wonderful day wherever in the world you are.

Day 84: Some super cute kids in the neighbourhood. Happiness.

Day 84: Curious little boys. Happiness.

Day 84: So cute and chubby. Happiness.