As much as I tried, I couldn’t get Samudra back to sleep once he had woken super early this morning, so we played until 6.00am when it was at least a reasonable hour for me to get out of bed and go for a walk. I must say I scared myself to look down as we left the house and the outfit I had worn to bed of crazy patterned leggings and unmatching singlet and top was still adorning my body and I looked like a complete freak. I figured it didn’t really matter as I am invisible when I am holding Samudra so no-one was going to notice.
It was such a beautiful sunny morning even so early, as we made our way up the back of the house and through a narrow road, lined with little warungs, kids getting ready for school and women laughing hysterically, so much so that I couldn’t help but laugh along with them. The fruit and vegetable seller wanted me to take his photo and all the people standing around were making fun of him as he posed and then got into serious mode for the camera. It was definately a morning for sunshine and giggles! I ended up walking for much longer than expected once again as we made our way through the backstreets, and stopped so many times along the way to chat to people, and then for Samudra to watch the school kids in the park playing catch, while another group of young men played cricket beside them. With the mosque in the background and the big leaves on the trees glowing green with the sunlight, it looked like a magical morning to be outdoors.
There was time for a quick bath, some delicious tofu in bread for breakfast, and then we headed to Chipmunks in Kemang for a play date with some lovely mums and kids again. All of the kids were running around, keeping their mums busy, while I just wandered around with Samudra, watching him bite and slobber over the foam balls and anything else he could get his hands on. This made it a little difficult to take photos there today, but there is always next time. It was nice to be out and about with other mums and I know Samudra likes lots of noise and being around people too. Today was a bonus too as we didn’t have to pay to go inside as they said that Samudra was so young that it was free, although last time we had to pay RP. 75,000 for being under 2 years old. Putra happily lazed on the couch at the foyer watching documentaries on his iPad until we had finished, and we made a quick pit stop across the road from the Colony Building at the ice-cream shop which I think is called Lin Ice-cream. I have been wanting to go in there for so long and was so happy to see that they had Baileys ice-cream on the menu! Unfortunately it was too early for alcoholic ice-cream so I settled for vanilla with chocolate rice (chocolate sprinkles) and enjoyed the peaceful ambience of the little shop. It’s really sweet in the shop, with an outdoor area and pond and inside they also sell little bottles of boiled lollies as well as a few other tasty items on the menu which are not ice-cream. This place seems to be very popular on the weekends as it has always been full when we have driven past, although it is tucked away and easy to miss if you are not looking out for it.
Samudra fell asleep in the car on the way home and didn’t wake when we arrived and I put him down on the bed so I guess all his playing this morning had left him exhausted!
Putra and I went on some adventures on the vespa in the afternoon and I realised that it’s Good Friday tomorrow and I have not seen a single Easter Egg for sale anywhere here in Jakarta!
I hope you all had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are, and are happy that it’s now time for another long weekend!

Day 79: The neighbours doing some early morning vegetable shopping right at their front gate. Happiness.

Day 79: Giggling ladies in the street. Happiness.

Day 79: Early morning down a side street. Happiness.

Day 79: Ready for school. Happiness.

Day 79: Playing (eating!) in the ball pit at Chipmunks. Happiness.

Day 79: Playing with blocks on the floor. Happiness.

Day 79: Boiled lollies and toys at Lins Ice-Cream Shop. Happiness.

Day 79: Ready for ice-cream. Happiness.

Day 79: Vanilla ice-cream with chocolate sprinkles. Happiness.

Day 79: Love this sign. Happiness.