This week just flew by! I was up early again to give Samudra a bath before his nanny arrived and then we had a play while we were waiting. He really lights up my day with his morning giggles and I feel sad to have to pass him over, but I have so much I need to get done at the same time, and not enough hours in the day.
I spent the day upstairs in the dark studio on my computer sorting through all my artwork files so missed seeing the outside world until kakek kindly offered to drive Samudra and I over to see Treen at her apartment as we were about to leave to walk there in the late afternoon. It was so good to catch up again and hear all the news from the family back home as she had just returned from a week in Melbourne, and we received so many gifts that it felt like Christmas had come early! There were lots of toys and clothes for Samudra from Nanna and Pa and some Easter eggs too.. I wasn’t hopeful that these would last until Easter, and I was right! They were soon demolished and were so delicious that I gave myself a chocolate headache..
Treen made the most delicious green vegetable curry and once again I am so envious of her ability to cook! I cannot cook a single thing which worries me and I have never had an interest in cooking and possibly because I don’t have a sense of smell so I don’t know what flavours go together to make something that everyone likes, as my taste buds are so bland apparently (they don’t seem it to me!). Luckily in Indonesia it is so cheap to eat out, and there is fortunately food cooked for us every day so I have been spoilt. I am an eater, not a cooker, and therefore little Samudra will not know the meaning of his mum’s home cooked meals being his favourite, unless I make some serious changes soon.. ha!
I hope you all had a great week and a beautiful day wherever in the world you are.

Day 66: Morning play time with Samudra. Happiness.

Day 66: One little morning photo together. Happiness.

Day 66: Eating one of his new toys from Nanna and Pa. Happiness.
So sweet! Have you started giving him solids yet? Violet is almost 6 months so we tried a few different things last week but she’s not interested at all!!
Hey Susie! Thanks lovely! Don’t worry about Violet not being so into food at the moment. Samudra is already 8 months and it’s difficult to find anything he likes still apart from yoghurt! He can’t keep apple or brocolli or anything down without throwing it up.. Baby steps.. at least he loves tofu even if in very small portions.. eeek he’s a fussy eater like me! Biggest love to you and gorgeous Violet xoxoxo