Today was another ‘camera free’ day as I didn’t feel the strength to face the heat outside for any adventures with my beautiful boy. We have spent so much time meeting new people and exploring lately, that it was nice to stay home again and play and to be able to start to FINALLY begin to update my design website thanks to Putra and his incredible patience with working out the new wordpress theme!
Putra also found a new nanny for Samudra who will start working tomorrow. To be honest I nearly had a heart attack when he told me as I cannot stand the thought of someone I have never met looking after my baby. I realise that it is normal for children in Indonesia to grow up with a nanny, but for me it is such a foreign concept and I would much rather do it myself. As exhausting as it is at times, and although there have been many tears over the months from lack of sleep and no personal space at all, I wouldn’t take back a single second to change a thing because Samudra has changed so much and I realise just how precious every moment is.
It is easy to be confused in Indonesia about who is the actual mother of many children you see, unless of course they are made to wear the pink or blue standard uniforms to show exactly who they are, as they follow parents around the mall while holding their children. It is such a different world to what I grew up in, so it somehow made me feel so over protective and clingy with Samudra after I heard the news, anyone would have thought he was about to pack his bags and move out of home the way my heart was feeling! It seems no-one else has a problem with getting some help so why do I feel so nervous and uncomfortable? At least it is a relative of Iyah, so at least there is some connection and I really like Iyah and Samudra loves her too.. so let’s just see!
So it was lots of cuddles today, being productive and short walk outside and that’s about all I managed to do today.. oh, and it was sooo cute to find Samudra’s first ever hand written birthday party invitation sitting on the table. I have no idea who the actual child is, but I guess I will find out tomorrow as it has to be one of the super cute kids in the complex.
I hope you had a beautiful day too wherever in the world you are.

Day 62: Samudra’s first written party invitation. Happiness.